Direct-To-Consumer Orders

Direct to Customer Order

This is the core of your business– and our business. Running a business is no easy task. From HR to staffing issues, to exploring and developing new products, to marketing, accounting, billing and more.  You have enough to do! At Merging Streams Logistics, we understand that making time to get that shipment out the door…

High-Capacity Storage Services

We have the storage solutions to meet your needs and we can handle it! With the ability to pick a single SKU the size of a USB stick or storing an entire container of your inventory, we can store it safely and accurately and ensure it gets to the right address at the right time.  Our…

Same-Day Direct-To-Consumer Shipping

Today’s expectations are high with giants like Amazon doing everything to acquire your customers and sales data.  It might even feel like you’ll never be able to compete. Let us help you get your logistics up to speed, we can give your business the logistical horsepower you need to take your business to the next…

store replenishment orders

Store Replenishment

The most challenging business to manage, sustain and grow is the medium sized business.  Going from one store front to two isn’t twice as much work, the first dozen locations are close to impossible to keep on track. Here at Merging Streams Logistics, we want to take the stress off your shoulders.  You give us…

Custom Sized Shipping

Nothing is more frustrating than having the product, having the customers, and being hurt by the dimensional pricing adjustments. Special sized products need special sized cartons, we do that. Give us your problem and we’ll provide you with a solution.

Container destuffing

Container Destuffing

We’ve all seen those amazing videos of a snake eating its meal whole.  Receiving a container can feel that way, especially if you don’t have the space.  It can take an entire team to receive and process the inventory while customers and other priorities get neglected.  Not to mention the amount of space it takes…