Business is challenging enough to manage everyday but good partnerships can help navigate through challenges. Look at it like driving a race car; there you are strapped into the driver’s seat, you have the view from your windshield and you have your mirrors.  Most importantly you have the feel of the car as it turns every corner, accelerates out of the apex and flies down a straightaway.  Despite the clear visibility through the windshield and no matter how incredibly intuitive the driver is,  there is a lot of information missing.  This is why there’s a spotter— someone  who is communicating where the other cars are. Then there is a crew chief who communicates everything else such as lap times and when it is time to pit.

Our businesses are the same. We might be fully aware of every intimate aspect of our business, our numbers, our KPIs, our challenges and our opportunities.  There is no questions that we can do a lot with this information.  However, it is the other businesses we work with that can make all the difference.  For example, a banker sees what other equivalent businesses are doing and succeeding at or which industries are struggling.  A courier or a freight representative can see the vast perspective of their clients and even opportunities that you might have never thought of.  It is amazing how adding a voice of perspective can make such a big difference, providing a new outlook or new opportunities from a single comment our suggestion.

In today’s world, it is so important that we are surrounding ourselves with partners that we can trust, depend on and grow with.

Partners are vital, real business partnerships are worth their weight in gold.